Anamilka sponsored by Max McKee

Genesis sponsored by Bob and Tracy Bates

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Genesis - June!

This summer we've had lots of crazy stuff going on, and the kids are having so much fun! We've had groups of volunteers come for single days, volunteers comes and stay for months at a time, people come in for specific classes, all sorts of things! Here is a picture of Genesis and one of our long term volunteers, Samantha, who was here for a month from the middle of May to the middle of June. We had a great time with Sam and the kids really love her! Here you can see her and Genesis pictured. We're having a great summer, so far and we know it's only going to get more and more fun leading up to school starting!

Anamilka - June!

This summer has been so busy, yet so wonderful for the kids! They love having club 5 days a week and spending so much time with each other, their teachers, and our volunteers. We are having a great time, and learning lots while we're at it! The jewelry class is really taking off and here is Anamilka showing off one of her coffee bean creations - one that will be sold to the public, volunteers, anyone interested and the money will go right back into the club and the kids for support! The kids are so excited to be helping!